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Recipe: Venison Medallions






Cooking Oil

Being self-sufficient has always been important to the farmer and homesteader. The more that you can do for yourself, the better. For many, that includes hunting for your own meat. As the seasons change, the temperatures drop, and the leaves begin to fall, it turns to deer season at Grey Dog Maple Farm. Today’s recipe uses freezer meat from a nine point buck that I took in our North Field in 2021, as well as potatoes and onions from our garden.

You’ll want to start cooking the potatoes before the meat, as they will take significantly longer to cook. We pick potatoes twice a year from our garden. The first batch is what we’re using today, and are Yukon Gold potatoes. These are a softer potato and not the best for frying, but they’ll work. The second harvest will include a few more of those, as well as Red Potatoes which work very well for frying. Before starting, make sure your potatoes are washed and dried. Yukon Golds have a very thin skin so you don’t have to peel them, but you can if you prefer. After your potatoes are washed, slice them to your desired thickness. I try to keep mine about the width of a thick kitchen knife. After slicing your potatoes, it’s a good idea to peel and slice your onions too. Our homegrown onions are Spanish Onions. They’re a brown onion that is slightly sweet. I slice mine twice as thick as I do the potatoes. Now we can begin cooking.

We’ll start by warming the grill to medium heat and placing the pan on it. I prefer cast iron pans, especially when using the grill. Add enough cooking oil to the pan so there’s about a 1/8 of an inch to cook in. Once your oil has warmed up, add your potatoes, but wait to add the onions. Let your potatoes cook for five to six minutes, flipping half way through, and then add the onions. While these are cooking, add your other pan to the grill. You’ll want to coat this one with just enough oil to cover the bottom. This pan will be used for the venison. Be sure to keep an eye on your onions and potatoes as they cook, stirring and flipping them as needed.

Typically, venison medallions are made from the back straps of the deer. For today’s meal, I’m using steak from the rear leg. Venison cooks very quickly and will dry out if cooked past medium. I’ve found that by cutting them into “medallions,” you can better control the cooking process. I slice mine about a ½ inch thick. Add your venison to the hot pan and let it cook for one to one and a half minutes before flipping.

After you flip them, add your seasoning of choice. I like a light dusting of Cajun seasoning mixed with Montreal Steak seasoning. It may not be fancy, but it tastes good. After your medallions have cooked for another one to one and a half minutes, remove them from the pan for serving. At this point, your potatoes and onions should be done as well. Add those as a side to your venison medallions and enjoy.

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